Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Queen - Another One Bites The Dust

ORIGINATION greatest hits
CHANCE OF WAKING TO IT better than i'd like

You surely know this song and require no input from me on this. On Friday Suse requested some Queen to song along to on our 5 hour car journey to snowy north Wales. We both found it hard to sing the chorus to this song, after having both been exposed to Weird Al Yankovic's version of this a few years back. It is one of his better 'covers' and is titled Another One Rides The Bus.

Actually, i do quite like this Queen song. It feels a bit like them trying to do funk. I only wish that, like every other Queen song, that curly haired expletive wasn't on it. My dislike of that guitar-playing member is as irrational as it is large. Grrrr.

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