LAST LISTENED TO the other night

Well, it's about time! Long time readers will by now have noticed my liking for Jimmy Smith and right here is my all-time favourite Jimmy Smith track (or it is most days). It was recorded 17th December 1965 and was the first song that he sang on! This at the time came as quite a surprise and it's no wonder as he had been putting out albums for nine years by this point, with not one vocal sound on any of them (my estimate makes it around 33 albums). His voice is rich and bluesy and he went on to use it many times.
However, it is not Jimmy's voice that is the centre of attention here. It is his organ again. As usual. For over four minutes, making up the biggest part of the song, there is in my opinion simply the best organ solo you will ever hear. Anywhere. Ever. Ever. I don't have the technical music ability to describe it accurately. In fact, even laying aside any accurate descriptions, i don't think i could possibly do it any justice with any combination of words. For me it is the quintessential Jimmy Smith solo. It begins up high and mostly stays there, using repeated phrases endlessly, at other times hanging onto single notes for long periods. It's blue. It's funky. It moves me. It's perfect. If you don't like it i may never speak to you again.
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