CHANCE OF WAKING TO IT as high as the singer's voice

Look, i was into metal as a kid and my liking for it has never really died. Sure, along the way there have been times when i have totally forgotten it, but eventually i'll have an urge for crashing chords, widdling guitar solos and squealing vocals. I can't help it. Clearly it's some sort of addiction. That's me excuse, anyway.
Helloween, for those of you who don't know (and i'm guessing that's almost all of you, with one exception who shall remain nameless but who is more known to like jazz daily these days) were pretty much a German version of Iron Maiden. This probably sounds like a bad idea and if i had any sense at all i'd agree. However, for reasons inexplicable, i rather enjoy Helloween. And it's not just because they had cartoon pumpkins as a kind of mascot (really, they did). I have plenty time for Maiden, so almost by default i have a bit of time for their Deutscher counterparts. Anyway, there was always a silly side to Helloween, not that Maiden were exactly super-serious or anything, but whatever they were Helloween were sillier. Do i need mention the pumpkins again? In fact, i do seem to recall that the slogan Pumpkins Fly Free was theirs.
And the music? Well, it sounds like Maiden. Maybe a bit faster and with less literature-based songs. Also the vocals were, if anything, higher pitched more often than Bruce's (that's Maiden's singer). This song in particular has some fine wailing. The only real problem i have with it is that it might just have some sort of christian undercurrent, which frankly has no place in metal. Or, indeed, metaaaaaaaal!
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