Yesterday i pulled out all of my Mudhoney records and turned them into mp3s. It turns out that i can listen to non-stop Mudhoney for six hours without repeating a song, which i never knew.
Mudhoney formed in '88 and their first single Touch Me I'm Sick, together with the following mini album, Superfuzz Bigmuff, were key elements in kicking off the '90s grunge wave (most of which sucked). They were said by many to be the 'Godfathers Of Grunge', more so even than Nirvana who actually supported Mudhoney on tour. They released records throughout the first half of that decade, but only one in the second half. So it was quite a surprise to find a new album out in 2003 and that it was back on legendary grunge label Sub Pop, where they began. By all accounts, this album was not only the best in a while, but quite probably their best ever, which was no mean feat for a band 15 years into their career.
Inside Job is one of the faster tracks on this LP and features former MC5 front man Wayne Kramer playing bass. It's a regulation Mudhoney tune featuring, as ever, twin guitars. One chugs along nicely and the other solos and riffs along with it. There are also a couple of nice breaks towards the end. The first four feature just the drums, the second four adding a couple of funky bass runs. It's an up tempo end to the first side of the LP but other than that is one of the less interesting songs on this album, which is the first of theirs to feature brass.
Mudhoney have a new album out on March 7th this year. I can't wait.
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